The Human Development Minor


Completing a minor in Human Development may be useful for students who are aiming for careers that involve interacting with children, teens, or older adults. Students are required to take one of three introductory courses in Human Development, plus four more HD classes. Students electing the minor may specialize in a particular age group or area in HD. 

Email the Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS)

General Information

  • Open to all Cornell University Undergraduates (except for HD majors and Psych majors.)
  • You will not be assigned a HD faculty advisor
  • You are responsible for tracking your own progress.
  • All courses MUST be taken for a letter grade unless S/U is the only grade option offered.
  • You must earn a grade of B- or better in every course.

HD special studies courses (HD 4000, 4010, 4020 or 4030) will not count toward fulfilling the HD Minor.

During the semester in which you are planning to graduate:

Upon verification that you have completed all of the requirements for the minor, your college registrar will be notified, and your final transcript will indicate that you earned a minor in Human Development.

Required Coursework


Five courses in Human Development:

Out of these 5 courses:

  • At least 6 credits at the 3000/4000 level
  • At least one of the following courses:
    • HD 1130 Introduction to Human Development
    • HD 2150 Human Development: Infancy & Childhood
    • HD 2170 Human Development: Adolescence & Emerging Adulthood